Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful strategy for directly reaching audiences, nurturing leads, and driving sustained business growth through personalised and engaging communication. By avoiding common pitfalls and leveraging key tactics like segmentation, automation, and clear CTAs, businesses can achieve significant engagement, conversions, and long-term success.

Founder / Head of Growth
July 30, 2024
  (NZDT - GMT +12)

Where trends come and go, one marketing strategy remains steadfast in its effectiveness: email marketing. It reaches audiences directly and can nurture leads, build lasting relationships, and drive sustained business growth.

Email on screen

Read on as we dig into the art of great email marketing to help you leverage this to nurture your leads into customers. 

If you're new to email marketing or looking to refine your current campaigns, this blog is your guide to achieving engagement, conversion, and customer retention through the power of email.

In a nutshell, email marketing's ability to nurture leads over time, build relationships, and drive conversions makes it a must to include in your marketing mix. By leveraging its powers effectively, you can achieve sustainable growth and long-term success.

Here are some clever tactics that email marketing enables you to use:

Direct and Personalised Communication

Emails allow marketers to directly communicate with their potential customers in a personalised manner. By segmenting email databases based on demographics, buying behaviour, or interests, you can tailor messages that are relevant to each group.

@ email in envelope

Building Relationships: 

Email allows for ongoing, consistent communication. This helps build trust and credibility over time, which are crucial to drive sales.


Email marketing is a relatively inexpensive lead nurturing strategy. This makes it accessible to businesses of all sizes enabling them to compete effectively.

Automation and Scalability: 

Email marketing platforms offer automation tools that can send personalised emails based on triggers such as sign-ups, purchases, or website visits. At Virtual Marketers we use Hubspot, but there are many available platforms including Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor. Scale your marketing results by ensuring leads are consistently nurtured.

Measurable Results: 

Email marketing provides valuable metrics such as open, click-through, and conversion rates. This data allows you to analyse the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-informed decisions for improvement.

Educational Content Sharing: 

Use emails to educate leads about your products, services, and industry trends that they may not have known about. By providing helpful content, you position yourselves as industry experts in the minds of your contacts.

Supporting Sales Efforts: 

Email marketing complements sales efforts by keeping leads engaged and moving through the sales funnel. This regular nurturing ensures that your leads are more likely to make a purchase when they are ready, as your business will be top of mind.

Segmentation and Targeting: 

With advanced segmentation capabilities, you can send highly targeted emails to specific segments of your audience. This increases relevance and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates.

Adaptability and Innovation: 

Email marketing continues to evolve with tech innovation. Techniques including interactive emails, AI-powered personalisation, and behavioural targeting are enhancing its effectiveness further.

Dashboard on a laptop

How do you know you’re nailing your email marketing?

Industry standard goals for email performance can vary depending on factors like the type of business, target audience, and specific objectives of your email campaigns. However, here are some typical benchmarks and goals that many businesses aim for in their email marketing efforts.

  1. Open Rate: 

This measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email out of the total number of recipients who received it. Industry average open rates can range from 15% to 25%. However, higher rates are often achievable with well-targeted and compelling subject lines.

  1. Click-Through Rate (CTR): 

CTR indicates the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your email, relative to the total number of recipients who opened the email. Average CTRs can vary widely but typically range from 2% to 5%. A higher CTR indicates that your email content and calls-to-action are engaging.

  1. Conversion Rate: 

This measures the percentage of email recipients who completed a desired action, like making a purchase, registering for a webinar, or completing a form. Conversion rates can vary significantly based on the industry and the specific goal of the campaign. They generally range from 1% to 5%, depending on factors like the offer's attractiveness and the effectiveness of the email's messaging.

  1. Bounce Rate: 

Bounce rate indicates the percentage of email addresses in your list that did not receive your message due to having invalid email addresses or being sent to full inboxes. Ideally, you want a bounce rate of less than 2%.

  1. Unsubscribe Rate: 

This measures the percentage of recipients who ‘opted out’ of receiving future emails from your list after receiving a particular campaign. A typical unsubscribe rate is below 0.5%. Higher rates may indicate that your content is not resonating with your audience or that your email frequency is too high.

  1. ROI (Return on Investment): 

The goal of email marketing may often be to generate a positive ROI. The exact ROI can vary widely depending on the industry, campaign objectives, and budget. On average, email marketing has a high ROI, often ranging from $40 to $50 for every dollar spent.

  1. List Growth Rate: 

This measures how quickly your email list is growing over a specific period. You should aim for a growth rate of 10% to 20% annually.

These benchmarks can serve as a starting point for setting goals and evaluating the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. It's essential to track these metrics consistently, analyse the results, and optimise your emails based on the insights.

What not to do when using email marketing

Email marketing, while powerful, can also be a delicate art. To ensure your campaigns are effective and well-received, here are key pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Overwhelming Frequency: 

Bombarding subscribers with emails will lead to brand fatigue and unsubscribes. Respect your audience’s  inbox by maintaining a consistent, relevant and reasonable sending frequency.

Spam showing on a screen
  1. Neglecting Segmentation: 

Sending generic emails to your entire list ignores the diverse interests and behaviours of your subscribers. Use segmentation to personalise content and improve relevance.

  1. Misleading Subject Lines: 

Clickbait subject lines that promise one thing but deliver another will damage trust and increase unsubscribes. Be honest and accurate in your subject lines.

  1. Lack of Clear Call to Action (CTA): 

Emails without a clear next step for the recipient will be ineffective. Ensure every email has a compelling CTA that guides subscribers towards the desired action. For example ‘read blog post’ or ‘find out more’.

  1. Not Testing and Iterating: 

Assuming your first email version is perfect can be detrimental. A/B testing different elements (subject lines, content, imagery, CTAs) allows for continual improvement based on real data.

  1. Ignoring Analytics: 

Not tracking key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions means missing valuable insights. Regularly analyse data to optimise future campaigns.

  1. Purchasing Email Lists: 

Sending emails to purchased lists will result in high bounce rates, spam complaints, and damage to your sender reputation or brand. Grow your list organically to ensure engagement with interested recipients.

  1. Poor Email Design: 

Cluttered layouts, unclear fonts, or excessive images can detract from your message. Opt for clean, professional designs that enhance readability and engagement.

  1. Ignoring Unsubscribes and Compliance: 

Failing to honour unsubscribe requests promptly or neglecting GDPR and CAN-SPAM regulations can lead to legal consequences and damage your brand’s reputation.

By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you can maximise the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and build stronger, more trusting relationships with your audience over time.

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