Transforming Europlan's Digital Presence with Strategic Marketing Solutions

Since 2020, Europlan has partnered with Virtual Marketers to bolster its digital marketing efforts and reinforce its market position in the office fit-out industry. Europlan, a leader in workspace solutions, reached out to us to enhance its brand presence, drive web traffic, and increase conversions through a multifaceted digital marketing approach.


Europlan sought a comprehensive marketing strategy to differentiate itself from competitors and establish its leadership in the office fit-out space. We focused on developing a plan that covered multiple channels, emphasising Europlan’s strengths and ESG commitments. Our approach involved understanding Europlan's unique value proposition and the dynamic nature of the office fit-out industry.


We implemented a diverse range of strategies tailored to Europlan’s needs:

  • Social Media Content Creation and Scheduling: We developed engaging, brand-aligned content for Europlan's social media platforms, ensuring consistent and impactful messaging across channels.
  • Google Ads and LinkedIn Advertising Management: Our team managed and optimised search and display Google Ads campaigns, along with LinkedIn advertising, targeting relevant audiences to increase brand visibility and drive web traffic.
  • SEO Enhancement: Strategic SEO practices were employed to improve Europlan's organic search rankings. This included on-page optimisations, link building, and keyword-rich content creation, enhancing online visibility and attracting targeted traffic.
  • Content Development: We produced high-quality blog posts and other web content, reinforcing Europlan's authority in the industry and supporting SEO efforts.
  • Graphic Design: Our design team executed one-off projects, including a new company profile and an ESG brochure, to visually communicate Europlan’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance pillars.
  • Reporting and Strategy: Regular performance analytics and reporting ensured continuous optimisation of marketing efforts, aligning with Europlan's strategic goals.

Key Outcomes

The collaboration with Virtual Marketers led to significant achievements for Europlan:

  • Website Conversions: A 22.8% increase in website conversions (enquiries) from 2022 to 2023, demonstrating the effectiveness of the integrated marketing strategy.
  • Sales Growth: A 20% increase in sales attributable to website enquiries, comparing the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years, highlighting the direct impact of our efforts on Europlan’s bottom line.

“We’ve been working with the Virtual Marketers Team since March 2020, over that time we made the decision to bring all of our digital management under the VM umbrella. Alana and the team provide relevant and tactical advice which positions us to leverage our investment effectively. My job has never been easier than it is right now, our business is in great hands!”

— Emma Bell-Norris, Brand & Marketing Manager

Marketing Teams